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COVID-19 emergency is over

After over 3 years, the WHO announces that COVID-19 no longer constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This is an important milestone. It is a moment to remember those who lost their lives and those who continue to live with the impact of COVID-19, as well as to reflect on lessons learned.

The response to the pandemic was one of incredible resilience, partnership, and science, underpinned by innovation, voluntary collaborations across the world, and decades of R&D - with the pharmaceutical industry as a key partner to success.

The innovative pharmaceutical industry reaffirms its commitment to address the challenges posed by COVID-19, and more broadly, to make the world better prepared for future pandemics. This means maintaining what worked well against COVID-19 - the innovation ecosystem and unhindered access to pathogens - and addressing what failed through a new social contract that ensures equity and health systems' strengthening.